East Hampton Star Interview 2019
Hildy Maze: The Material Concerns of a Spiritual Artist
Artness System, Fall 2018
Light Space Time Gallery
Solo exhibition, Artsy.net
Life As a Human Gallery,
Hildy Maze Artist Spotlight Solo Exhibition
Hildy Maze is the Traditional Artist Spotlight winning artist for the month of June 2018. She is best known for her oil and paper abstract drawing and painting collages. These contemplative works were developed with the view that art has the capacity to infuse our experience with awareness of our inherent nature.
Hildy Maze Solo Exhibition
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery is very pleased to announce that Hildy Maze has been selected as one of the four artists of the gallery’s recent eighth “Solo Art Series” Art Competition. Hildy will now have a month-long solo art exhibition and she will be featured on the gallery’s front page, in the Gallery’s YouTube Channel, as well as in the “Solo Art Series” archive.
Hildy Maze Solo Exhibition
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery is very pleased to announce that Hildy Maze has been selected as one of the four artists of the gallery’s recent eighth “Solo Art Series” Art Competition. Hildy will now have a month-long solo art exhibition and she will be featured on the gallery’s front page, in the Gallery’s YouTube Channel, as well as in the “Solo Art Series” archive.
Peripheral ARTeries Art Review - Biennial edition 2017
Peripheral ARTeries Art Review
Biennial edition of Peripheral ARTeriesFull issue: issuu.com/artpress/docs/biennial.editio…
Featured Artist on Artsy Shark
Hildy Maze’s abstract collage portfolio stems from her interest in “the investigation of mind thru art” with the hope that her viewers will find it accessible and personal.
Felan Interview with Hildy Maze 2017
Interview – Hildy Maze
Posted on April 3, 2017, by JENNIFER NICHOLE WELLSThe Empty Mirror 2016
13 mixed-media artworks by Hildy Maze, 2016
Investigating the Mind through Art
In VISUAL ART by Hildy Maze12/12/2015*The Painting Center Art File Hildy Maze*
The Painting Center Art file Collection
The Woven Tale Press
An Art and Literary Magazine
the awakened eye
investigating the mind through art
*Facebook portofolio *
*Art Stack Portfolio*
*Hildy Maze *
*Hildy Maze *
*Hildy Maze *
Artist Marketing Resources
Hildy Maze
Abstract Contemplative Drawing, Painting, Collage
Life As a Human
Abstract Contemplative
By Guest Artist - Hildy Maze
The Awakened Eye
Investigating the Mind through Art
visual essay
AS/ Artist Studios - New York
The Awakened Eye
investigating the mind through art
January 25, 2016 | miriam louisa simonsHildy Maze is an artist who sees her practice as an exploration of the workings of the mind. We welcome her, with her contribution of images and reflections on her practice, to the artisans’ gallery.
Working with Buddha Images
In VISUAL ART by Hildy Maze